About EUWES Project

The energy sector presents a significant gender disparity, with women being greatly underrepresented. The EUWES project seeks to identify the current obstacles hindering women’s representation and to promote gender equality through the recommendation of inclusive policies and practices.

Women are less likely to make decisions in their households regarding energy even though they spend more time at home and use more energy services. The participation of women in the unpaid domestic sphere is also on the rise, primarily due to the COVID crisis and transfer of work to home offices and more reports indicate that women were affected more by the loss of jobs and income during the COVID pandemic – especially ones employed in precarious sectors.

The project’s primary goal is to empower women and foster opportunities for them to actively participate and contribute in decision-making processes within the energy sector. This includes energy sector companies, energy-related committees, research and higher education organizations, and energy-established study programs.

EUWES addresses the underrepresentation of
women in the energy sector by:

• Mapping and evaluating national gender policies.
• Exchanging good practices and conducting training activities for women employed in the energy sector and female technical students.
• Promoting advocacy campaigns and joint policy recommendations for tackling the gender gap.
• The project brings together four organizations committed to transform the energy sector.

EUWES will:

• Educate and empower 200 women employed in the energy sector and up to 400 female students enrolled in technical studies to become strong future leaders in their organisations;
• create 4 national support groups for women in the energy sector
• Promote policy solutions among 300 key stakeholders (in the energy sector, in the education sector, and in the labour market)


Here you will find the Quality Assurance Plan and the Progress report deliverables, both reflecting our commitment to quality and transparency in every step of our work to address the underrepresentation of women in the energy sector.

Quality Assurance Plan

Empowering underrepresented women in energy sector

Project leaflet

Ured za Udruge

This project is funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV-2022-GE).