Training Materials for Partner Education and Knowledge Exchange in the Energy Sector

The D2.1 Deliverable “Training Materials for Training of the Partners and Exchange of Knowledge and Good Practices,” has been released as part of a capacity building effort for partners on the EUWES project to dismantle gender stereotypes in the energy sector.

Three training set materials will be developed within Work Package 2 (WP2). Currently, this deliverable focuses on materials for building the capacity of the EUWES partners. This deliverable includes a series of training sessions and the minutes from all trainings conducted as parts of this project.

Deliverable 2.1 compiles various training minutes and materials derived from the partners’ previous experiences and knowledge, contributing significantly to mutual capacity building.

The training sessions are categorized as follows:

Online Training Sessions

  1. Training on Mapping Methodology: This session covers techniques and tools for mapping gender dynamics and participation in the energy sector.
  2. Training on Communication: Focuses on effective communication strategies to advocate for gender equality in the energy sector.
  3. Training on Joint policy recommendations: Provides guidelines for developing cohesive policy recommendations that support gender equality.
  4. Training on Advocacy activities: Equips participants with skills for advocacy and promoting gender-inclusive policies and practices.

All-Day Training in Munich

  1. Training on Feminist moderation: Introduces feminist moderation techniques to facilitate inclusive and productive discussions.
  2. Training on Energy and Gender Nexus: Explores the intersection of energy policies and gender, highlighting the impact of energy decisions on gender equality.
  3. Exchange on national mapping gender policies reports: Facilitates sharing and discussion of national reports on gender policies within the energy sector.

All-Day Training in Barcelona

  1. Training on WP2 Materials D2.2: Focuses on detailed training related to Deliverable D2.2 materials – materials will be available in October 2024
  2. Training on WP2 Materials D2.3: Focuses on detailed training related to Deliverable D2.3 materials – materials will be available in October 2024

Links to publicly available presentations and recordings:


D2.1 Deliverable “Training Materials for Training of the Partners and Exchange of Knowledge and Good Practices – available on link.

Ured za Udruge

This project is funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV-2022-GE).