Workshop in Croatia: Experiences of Women and Female Students in the Circular Bioeconomy in Wood Sector

On February 28, 2024, DOOR  organized workshop in Lokve titled „Experiences of Women and Female Students in the Circular Bioeconomy Wood Sector“. This event was part of the EUWES project – Empowering Women Underrepresented in the Energy Sector, aiming to explore key obstacles and opportunities for women in that sector and among female students of technical faculties.

This was also joint event with BIOLOC project – Biobased and social innovation to revitalise European local communities where as part of BILOC activities students visited the facilities of the wood company Drvenjača d.d. in Mrkopalj and Fužine, gaining additional practical experience and inspiration through conversations with entrepreneurs and employees.

This event was attended by about ten students from the Woodworking and Mechanical School in Rijeka and female teachers

AS part of EUWES workshop intresting data from D1.2 Mapping energy and gender policies in the Craotia“ were presented and afterward at panel participants discussed the experiences of women and female students in the circular bioeconomy wood sector, emphasizing the importance of ensuring equal opportunities. They shared their experiences, highlighting the challenges women face when entering and advancing in this industry.

Our panelist agreed on „ Challenges faced by women and female students include lack of support and stereotypes about women’s roles in the wood industry. There are numerous opportunities to improve the participation of women and female students in the wood sector. This includes promoting STEM education among girls, creating supportive environments free from gender discrimination, and promoting the role of women as leaders in the industry“ 

At the end of the panel and worksop it  highlighted importantce to ensure that women have equal opportunities for success as their male counterparts and to encourage greater interest among women in this industry through proactive measures to support and promote diversity.

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This project is funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV-2022-GE).